competent bewitching black metal cult from austria feat. KRINGA & WHISKEY RITUAL members for fans of early MASTERS HAMMER & CULTES DES GHOULES, lim. black vinyl
kompetenter & süchtig machender black metal kult auf österreich mit KRIGNA & WHISKEY RITUAL member, für freunde von MASTERS HAMMER & CULTES DES GHOULES, limitiertes schwarzes vinyl
- Die Pforte (A Speech Above the Moor)
- Irrsinnsdimensionen (A Bath Amidst the Wells)
- Moonshine Glance (An Iron Seed in Sour Soil)
- Searing Effigy
- They Ride Along on the Howling Winds!
- The Nightshade Wilderness
- Atavist Kama Aconite Trance
- There, Draw a Circle!
Genres: Black Metal
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