Though they bore little sonic resemblance to their peers at the time, the story of black metal cannot be told without reference to Abruptum. Founded in 1989 by Tony IT Särkkä, a pillar of the early Swedish scene who, in addition to Abruptum, also played in Opthamalia and Vondur, among other bands, Abruptum rode the crest of black metals second wave. With their debut album on Deathlike Silence Productions carrying the catalog number Anti-Mosh 04, Abruptum was one of the first bandspreceded only by Merciless and Mayhemto appear on the label that would come to define black metal and export it outside of Scandinavia. Even back then, Särkkäs credentials were unimpeachable. Before forming Abruptum, he had been in bands with his high school friend Dan Swanö, who later formed Edge of Sanity and opened Unisound Studio, and who credits Särkkä for guiding him into the more extreme corners of the underground scene. Abruptum had little in common with the furious riffs and blast beats that typically characterized the genre; Abruptum was more an entity, a presence, than a band. The audial essence of pure black evil, an expression, attributed to Euronymous, that adorns some of the bands album covers, captures the intent of Abruptum. In many respects, the formlessness of their music conjures a darker atmosphere than more traditional black metal, which still bears remnants of the rock music from which it evolved. Abruptum, by contrast, was a ritualistic distillation of the genres core elements. Like a dissected cadaver, splayed with its organs excised and isolated, Abruptum deconstructed black metal and recontextualized it. In this way, Abruptum, perhaps more than any other band, demonstrated that the fundamental essence of black metal is defined not by style or sound, but by intention and disposition. By the time they released their third full-length album Vi Sonus Veris Nigrae Malitiaes, in 1996, on Full Moon Productions, IT had parted ways with ALL and recorded the album alone. With Vi Sonus , IT pushed Abruptum to new extremes, cultivating a sound that is cold, opaque, and lifeless. The album also marked an inflection point for Abruptum, for soon after the release of Vi Sonus , IT recruited Morgan Evil Håkansson, best known as the guitarist and founding member of Marduk. The two collaborated on one EP together, after which Håkansson took over the project and has remained the lone custodian of Abruptum ever since, maintaining the bands legacy, even after Särkkäs death in 2017. NWN! is honored to present this new edition of Vi Sonus Veris Nigrae Malitiaes, ITs ultimate expression of pure black evil.
- Vi Sonus Veris Nigrae Malitiaes
Genres: Ambient, Black Metal
Label: Nuclear War Now Productions
Erscheinungsjahr: 2024
Künstler: ABRUPTUM
Spieldauer: 01:01:37
Format: CD
EAN: –
GPSR Information:
Party.San GmbH
Schwanseestraße 20; 99423 Weimar, Germany
Contact Person: T. Giersberg
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